

365bet seeks to engage our students, faculty 和工作人员 in academic activity that contributes 我们的愿景宣言.


确定你作为州长第一年的学费. 这意味着没有 惊喜,没有意外费用. 这是我们的保证.



We're here to prepare you for the life you want, which means giving you life-changing 经验和负担得起的教育. 所以让我们支付你的冒险和担保 你4年后就毕业了.



365bet's vision is to create a collaborative, integrative learning community, instilling in students habits of critical inquiry as they gain knowledge, skills, and values 在全球化社会中生活和工作.

的 大学 aims to meet this vision through a set of structured student learning 结果告知教学和学习环境. 这些学生的学习 outcomes fall into one or more of the following areas identified by 365bet faculty and staff as contributing to our vision: Basics, Reasoning, Awareness, Values, and Outcomes (喝彩).

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 will provide the environment and services to nurture 学生的成长可以带来学术成就和成功.




Your success as you transition to a 大学 environment is important to faculty 和工作人员. 365bet有意支持这种过渡和教育之旅.

州长取向 is designed as an all-day event to introduce students and their families to the university, provide informative sessions on topics of concern, receive your student ID, and register 类的.

新生召开 is held the Friday prior to the first official day 类的 and is a mandatory event 新生入学须知. 365bet主席将向学生们发表演讲 and students will engage in activity with a small cohort of fellow students and their 上级领导.

周末去 begins with Freshmen Move-In 一天 and extends through Sunday night prior to the start 类的. GO周末充满了与同行、同行领导互动的机会, faculty, 和工作人员 in social events, service activities, and our mandatory Convocation 一天.

Small groups of incoming freshmen (20-25 students) will be introduced to their upper-level 同行的领袖 谁将与他们的新生一起度过毕业典礼日和APEX的一部分. 的 同行的领导人 engage in 45+ hours of training and development as they prepare to assist 新生适应并在365bet取得成功. 我们的同行领导者很有竞争力 被选中并处于有利位置,以帮助即将入学的学生过渡. 除了 to Convocation and APEX, 同行的领导人 engage with incoming students on a weekly basis 因为他们和即将到来的新生一起参加了大学1000年新生研讨会.

大学1000年 是一门跨学科的课程,又是每个学位课程的必修课,哪一个 为学生的成功打下基础. 知情的最佳实践,重点 is placed on student engagement, support services, library literacy, financial literacy, 以及学术规划. 课程每周在教室里开一次会,并进行介绍 通过引导在线参与到365bet的学习管理系统. 的经验 是由一名教员和一名同伴领导的成功团队领导的吗.

每学期,所有学生都参与 学术顾问 sessions with faculty advisors or professional advisors with expertise in the student's 选择的主要. 鼓励学生不仅讨论课程注册期间 these sessions but also use this time with an academic advisor to seeking learning opportunities outside the classroom that enhance the student’s experience at the university and contributes to preparation for engaging in the community, the workforce, or further 研究生院教育.

大学的规章制度和学术要求是解决在 阿卜苏公告. Incoming students who have declared their major should pay close attention to the 所选专业的学习计划和四年计划样本.

365bet students use this tool to identify possible semester schedules using the information 由他们的学术顾问和他们个人的时间表义务提供. 这个注册 tool allows students to enter the courses needed, enter times the student is not available 第i类.e.学生运动员练习,就业义务,儿童看护时间表, 等),并要求生成所有可能的时间表组合. 学生可以 然后选择最符合他/她注册需求的时间表.

所有学生都参加学分的大学水平课程. 有认同的学生 need for additional assistance as evidenced by ACT math, reading, and writing sub-scores (or corresponding Accuplacer scores) will enroll in credit-bearing college-level course with required additional Structured Learning Assistance to enhance the classroom activities 学生的学习. 365bet不提供低于大学水平的课程.

需要协助使用微软(Microsoft)软件的学生.e.词汇,权力 Point, Excel等.),可在 学术支持中心 & 浓缩 在马克斯大厦124A室. 在电子邮件或电子邮件方面需要帮助的学生 万仕达 account, can receive assistance at the Technology Help Desk in the Morgan 大学中心大厅或致电931-221-4357. 学生可以使用Office 365免费. 说明可以在技术帮助台网站上找到.

Many incoming students identify their major upon submitting their application to the 大学. 如果你还没有准备好选择你的专业 100多个学位课程 at 365bet, you can identify one of eight broad academic areas of study for your first 学年. 365bet将这些领域称为学术重点,它们是:艺术重点, Business Focus, Education Focus, Health Professions Focus, Humanities Focus, Social 科学重点,STEM重点和通识教育重点.


During your first 学年, you should seek opportunities to learn about specific degree programs that interest you, complete career assessments, and engage in major selection advising sessions so you are prepared to select your major before the end 大一的时候.

学位指南针和我的未来 are course and major recommendation tools that are accessed 学生的“一站式”帐户. 这些预测分析工具可以帮助学生 identify courses and degree programs to consider and discuss with their academic advisors 当他们探索课程和学位课程的选择.

RAD is led by a team of faculty librarians 和工作人员 with expertise in assisting Library 有研究的用户. 可亲自到图书馆咨询处获得协助 2级服务台,通过电话、电子邮件和通过询问图书管理员聊天.

写作中心 is located on the Library and provides writing support to 365bet students free of charge. Services include instruction in writing styles, guidance in editing, and strategies 改进书面文件.

免费小组辅导是通过 学术支持中心 & 浓缩 适用于大多数通识教育的核心课程.

学生事务处提供一份免费的印刷本 学生手册 和日历在秋季学期开始. 印刷版将被分发 in 大学1000新生研讨会 and electronic copies can be accessed online at any time.

学生残疾资源中心 seeks to support students with identified need and promotes self-reliance through 教育和支持. 住宿要求必须尽早提出. 住宿 are determined based on review of submitted documentation from the health care provider for its appropriateness and completeness under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and as amended in 2008 (艾达AA), 以及学生残疾资源中心的文件政策.

学生辅导服务 offer a variety of direct services to students, including individual counseling, 还有团体支持. 所有直接护理服务均由持牌专业人士提供 staff and/or by counseling interns under the supervision of a licensed professional.

在学生生活和参与办公室的指导下,365bet有150多名学生 学生组织 学生可以参与其中.


365bet faculty 和工作人员 celebrate academic achievement with students throughout their 学术生涯及其他领域. 在你的大学一年级,学习成绩是荣誉的 并以多种方式庆祝,包括: